School Supply List
Get ready for school! This is a general list of suggested supplies. Teachers will communicate with families about any extra classroom-specific supplies.
School Supplies for All Classes
- Pencils
- Zipper pouch for pens/pencils
- College-ruled notebook paper
- Blue/black pens
- Colored pencil set
- Manual pencil sharpener
- Highlighters (4 colors)
- Jumbo glue sticks (2)
- Headphones/earbuds
- Boxes of tissue (2) Give to Advisory teacher on the first day
Math (all grades)
- Scientific calculator
- Graph paper
- Spiral notebook (1), graph paper preferred, no composition notebooks
- Pocket folder (1)
- Ruler (standard & metric)
Accelerated 7th and Geometry only
- Metal compass (without center wheel)
- Protractor
Health & Fitness (all grades)
- Athletic pants, shorts, or leggings
- T-shirt
- Comfortable shoes
ELA & Social Studies (all grades)
- Spiral or composition notebooks (2)
- Folders with pockets and brads (2)
Performing Arts Classes (all grades)
- Spiral notebook or composition notebook for each class
- Dedicated pencil to leave in Choir/Band/Theatre folders
- Theatre: Folder and highlighter
- Band: Thin three-ring binder with page protectors inside
Science (all grades)
- Composition notebooks (2)
- Jumbo glue sticks
Science Enrichments
- Composition notebook (1) per class
PLB Art Enrichment (Fizz)
- Colored pencils
- Sketchpad (8x11-inch or 5x7-inch)
- Fine black tip markers (Papermate preferred)
Other Enrichments
- Spiral notebook per class
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Supply Donations
If you are able to donate supplies for students in need, please give them to the main office. Thank you!
- Pencils
- College-ruled notebook paper
- Blue/black pens
- Manual pencil sharpener
- Colored pencil set
- Highlighters (4 colors)
- Jumbo glue sticks
- Folders with pockets and brads
- Composition notebooks
- Boxes of tissues
- Graph paper
- Unscented hand sanitizer
- Ziploc bags
- White board markers